2020 Educational Series: Core Concepts of Options
Ready to start out a brand new year with a brand new educational series from The Options Industry Council? Join us throughout the first quarter of 2020 so that OIC can be your guide to learning about options investing. With a focus on core concepts and fundamental aspects of options, you'll learn key terms, how options can be deployed as risk management tools, pricing and much more.
At OIC our goal is to educate investors, whether they've never traded a single option or they've been using them for years, about the benefits and risks of these versatile investments. Starting in January and continuing through March, we'll have a half dozen events - all entirely free - that will help you better understand the listed equity options products that OCC clears.
Our team of professionals has decades of combined experience in options, and working alongside our industry partners they're ready to teach you what they know about these investments. All you have to do is register for any of our events, which is easy thanks to OIC's online Events center. Also, when you do so, it means you'll be able to rewatch the events you've attended any time you're ready - but the replays are only available if you sign up! Register now, and we'll see you soon.