
Fundamentals II

OIC201P: An Exploration of Options Pricing

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast introduces options pricing. Learning how options are priced may help you make more knowledgeable investment decisions.


OIC202P: How Options Are Traded

Jul 19, 2018

Bill Ryan, a Senior Representative for the Options Clearing Corporation, discusses where and what options exchanges are, as well as some of the basic influences routinely driving the market up and down. He also explains what you might do to prepare to make a trade in terms of setting your expectations and the kind of strategies available that might suit those expectations.



Jul 19, 2018

This podcast introduces LEAPS®, or long-term options. LEAPS® offer investors an alternative to stock ownership. While using LEAPS® does not ensure success, having a longer amount of time for your position to work is an attractive feature for many investors.


OIC203P: Options Trading

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast covers what brokerage firms are and what they do. It will also discuss the types of accounts you can use for equity options trading as well as provides a brief overview of the types of orders you might use and how your options orders are executed.


OIC220P: Buying Calls

Jul 19, 2018

In this podcast, Dan Passarelli introduces buying calls as a directional, decidedly bullish strategy. He covers profit potential, maximum risk, primary benefits, and how the choice of a long call's strike price and expiration month can allow an investor to tailor both risk of loss and profit potential.


OIC221P: Buying Puts

Jul 19, 2018

In this podcast, Dan Passarelli introduces buying puts as a directional, decidedly bearish strategy. He covers profit potential, maximum risk, primary benefits, and how the choice of a long put's strike price and expiration month can allow an investor to tailor both risk of loss and profit potential.


OIC290P-OT05: Options Talk: American and European Style Options, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

In part one of this two part series, we'll explore 
the differences between American and European Style Options and discuss how dividends can be impacted by these types of options.


OIC290P-OT06: Options Talk: American and European Style Options, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

Joe Burgoyne continues his discussion on American and European Style Options by discussing the methodology in using these particular option styles and some of the strategies associated with each. 


OIC231P: Options Pricing and Price Behavior

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast features a discussion about various concepts that can have a significant effect on pricing behavior and how terms such as implied volatility and delta can greatly impact how an option price responds in the marketplace.


OIC232P: Buying Calls for Experienced Investors

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast is a review of essential strategies to consider when buying calls and how purchasing out-of-the-money, in-the-money and at-the money calls can impact your potential return. Also, find out about some advanced strategy selection concepts that will help you make sound decisions when purchasing.


OIC260P : Options Fundamentals, Part 3

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast explains the ins and outs of call options, and then discusses the significance of premium and time value as it relates to option strategies.


OIC261P : Options Fundamentals, Part 4

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast explains the ins and outs of call options, and then discusses the significance of premium and time value as it relates to option strategies.


OIC262P : Options Fundamentals, Part 5

Jul 19, 2018

In this fifth installment of the series, you will learn about options pricing and some of the realistic expectations to consider when determining how an option will perform in the market.


OIC240P: Return Calculations

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast covers the formulas used for calculating rates of return when using options.


OIC250P: Common Misconceptions

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast covers the formulas used for calculating rates of return when using options.


OIC290P-OT18: Options Talk: Tax Treatment of One-Sided Equity Options

Jul 19, 2018

In this special four-part series on taxes and investing, host Joe Burgoyne speaks with options tax expert Bill Paul. This podcast explores basic tax treatments of one-sided equity options such as long calls and short puts.


OIC290P-OT19: Options Talk: Tax Treatment of Qualified Covered Calls

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne and options tax expert Bill Paul wrap up this four-part series on taxes and investing by focusing on the Qualified Covered Call (QCC). They will examine what QCC is, how it works and some special tax rules regarding the QCC that every investor should know.


OIC263P: Developing a Trading Strategy 1, Part 1

Jul 19, 2018

This first podcast of the Developing a Trading Strategy series, introduces basic elements to consider when creating a plan for trading options.


OIC264P: Developing a Trading Strategy, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast discusses some of the psychological aspects behind trading options and how understanding various strategies can help you develop your own personalized trading style.


OIC290P-OT01: Options Talk: Early Exercise, Part 1 of 2

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast covers what investors need to understand about Early Exercise. Topics covered on the show include reasons why Early Exercise may happen and how it can impact American-style options versus European-style options.


OIC290P-OT03: Options Talk: Order Types

Jul 19, 2018

In this podcast host Joe Burgoyne covers various order types – what they are and how they are used.


OIC290P-OT02: Options Talk: Early Exercise, Part 2

Jul 19, 2018

Joe Burgoyne continues his conversation on Early Exercise with a discussion about the early exercise of puts and the level of randomness that takes place in the early assignment process.


OIC290P-OT07: Options Talk: Is It Too Good to Be True? (Part 1)

Jul 19, 2018

Joe Burgoyne discusses what happens when option pricing appears to be too good to be true. This podcast will cover some possible reasons that pricing may appear differently than the models suggest and what potential risks investors should be aware of when coming across "too good to be true" scenarios.


OIC290P-OT08: Options Talk: Is It Too Good to Be True? (Part 2)

Jul 19, 2018

In the second half of this two-part series, Joe Burgoyne picks up his conversation about "too good to be true" scenarios. This segment reviews some specific examples of options pricing that falls into this category and review how corporate actions like mergers and takeovers can create unusual pricing scenarios.


OIC290P-OT14: Options Talk: Options Strategies for a Bull Market

Jul 19, 2018

Joe Burgoyne covers various strategies an investor may want to consider during a bull market. This podcast will highlight the risk and rewards of buying calls, cash secured puts and vertical spreads.


OIC290P-OT21: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 12

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will answer an options question from an investor: Will he receive a dividend if he is long an in-the-money call and has instructed his broker to exercise the call the day prior to it going ex-dividend? Next, Joe will explain why an investor can't close her position until expiration on an index put option that is "European" exercise style.


OIC290P-OT10: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 5

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne responds to an investor who wants to know how open interest impacts their order and then he will discuss whether an investor can be long and short the exact same option at the same time.


OIC290P-OT15: Options Talk: History of Options Trading

Jul 19, 2018

This podcast will explore the historical development of the options industry including how the Greeks may have used options, what it was like trading prior to the existence of put options and how the industry has fared over the past four decades. 


OIC290P-OT23: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 14

Jul 19, 2018

Options Talk host Joe Burgoyne answers a question from an investor who wants to exercise a long option position. Joe also speaks on the topic of Weekly Options – what they are and how to distinguish Weeklys from standard options.


OIC290P-OT11: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 6

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will discuss the intricacies of options trading in penny increments and whether or not options can be traded on any listed stock.


OIC290P-OT12: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 7

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will cover some important options terminology that every investor should know and then share how an investor would go about finding equity option position limits.


OIC290P-OT13: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 8

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will discuss one way to select the proper strike price when purchasing an option and then he'll respond to an investor who is wondering about why their option didn't move as much as the underlying stock.


OIC290P-OT20: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 11

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will answer a question from an investor who wants to know what will happen to the dividend if they are long an in-the-money call that goes ex-dividend and they have instructed their broker to exercise the call before close of the day. Joe will also discuss what takes place when an option has a European exercise style.


OIC290P-OT16: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 9

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will explain whether an investor can exercise their right to buy the stock at any time up to the expiration date and then he'll discuss whether an investor has to have cash or stock in their account to buy or sell the shares of stock that underlie an option when exercising a put or call.


OIC290P-OT17: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 10

Jul 19, 2018

OIC host Joe Burgoyne will explain whether a broker will "automatically" exercise an option if it expires in-the-money and then he'll discuss the assignment of a short call option that is in-the-money.


OIC290P-OT22: Options Talk: Q & A With Joe Burgoyne, Part 13

Jul 19, 2018

Host Joe Burgoyne will answer a question from an investor who wants to know how the terms "deep-in-the-money" and "in-the-money" differ from one another. Next, Joe will discuss the correlation between options and Japanese candlesticks.
